







Meet Isobel, Spa Therapist in Dundee

Name: Isobel

Role: Spa Therapist

Length of time with Apex: 15 years

Hotel: Apex City Quay Hotel & Spa

What is a typical day at Yu Spa like?

We begin our day with a morning brief, where we discuss an overview of the day ahead. I usually greet my first client of the day at around 10am. I typically have around six or seven clients per day and I carry out a range of treatments from massages to facials, as well as cleaning and helping to maintain the spa. When my treatments have finished for the day, I then prepare the treatment room for clients the following day.

What’s the best part about your role?

I really enjoy meeting new people and in my job, I meet lots of nice and interesting characters which makes every day exciting. It's wonderful to be able to help clients feel better, especially if they have a particular muscular pain or a skin issue that I can help with.

If you could pick any role at Apex Hotels what would you do?

I wouldn’t pick any other job as I love being a therapist at Yu Spa!

What’s the best piece of advice you have ever been given?

Definitely to follow your gut instinct. If something doesn't feel right then it probably isn't. Always listen to your gut.

What is your favourite way to relax?

For me, a good yoga class is the perfect way to relax. It allows me to switch off and summon my inner Zen.

If you could have any superpower what would it be & why?

I would love to be able to fly so I could travel the world easily and visit all the places on my bucket list.