







Meet Ryan, Yu Spa Manager

Name: Ryan MacBain

Role: Spa Manager

Length of time with Apex: 3 Months

Hotel: Apex City Quay Hotel & Spa

What is your typical day at Apex like?

There really isn’t one! I could be doing anything from checking guests in for treatments, speaking with members, supporting my team with training or advice, to cleaning the changing rooms.

What’s the best part about your role?

Everything I have just mentioned. I like to be busy and the dynamic nature of the role suits me down to the ground. I love to have a hand in and see staff development, as this affirms that I am doing my job correctly.

If you could pick any role at Apex what would you do?

Exactly what I am doing now. At this stage of my career, I feel I am in the perfect place and role to develop my skillset and improve as a Spa Manager.

What’s the best piece of advice you have ever been given?

“Do the job you want, before you get it”

A friend said this to me when I was looking to make my first inroads into management at my previous place of work, but wasn’t quite sure how to go about it. It made me realise that getting noticed for doing an excellent job and going out your way to help other areas of the business matters equally as much as what qualifications you have written on a CV.

What is your favourite way to relax?

Bit of a weird one, but I absolutely love changing my guitar strings. I really like to make a day of it. Ill get everything I need out in front of me and take my time, giving the guitar a good clean as I go. Once they’ve been changed, ill pop on my headphones, plug the guitar into my laptop and work on new music. Having two young daughters, I’m not afforded as much time for this as I used to be, but if I had a day to myself, this would be my go-to.

If you could have any superpower what would it be & why?

I would have to say the ability to time travel. First stop would be to see the Dinosaurs wandering about, then onto the Middle Ages. Both time periods fascinated me as a kid, and still do to this day. I would also go back to ancient Egypt to see how the pyramids were built so I could come back and let everyone know!

Don't forget to say hello and introduce yourself to Ryan when you're at Yu Spa!