







Meet Tony Off The Telly

Like Apex Hotels, you started life in Edinburgh. What’s your favourite part of the city?

I'm Leith for life! I was raised in the area and went to school there so have always stayed local. To me, Leith is the epitome of Edinburgh as it's vibrant, colourful and lively - it is also home to some of the best places to eat in the country! 

What is your most vivid childhood memory?

My memories mostly revolve around food. But a real vivid memory for me is chasing the ice cream van in the street to get a cone smothered with monkey blood, I can still taste it and feel the sticky mess it made. It's the inspiration for the OMG slider.

If you could invite any three people, dead or alive, for dinner, who would they be and why?

I love the people I have dinner with now and the ones I invite to my supper club. But... if I could bring the special people back to eat with it would be my Grandad - I never met him - as well as my Granny, and Naan and my Grandad on my Mum's side as well.

What’s your proudest achievement?

I've cooked for some very exclusive places, have won awards and been invited to present and take part in numerous TV shows. But, I have to say that my proudest achievement is bringing people together over food. Even something as simple as a good cheese toastie. It really makes me proud to have people laugh and enjoy each other's company while eating my food. 

If you could only cook one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be?

I would cook Scottish seafood for the rest of my life as it's the best in the world, just the best.

And what about your favourite drink?

I didn't appreciate whisky until later in life but I love a dram now. It was only when I began going abroad as a chef that people would offer me a drink, assuming that as a Scotsman, I would like it and that got me to really appreciate it.